Friday, August 19, 2011

EXPERT TIPS FOR FABULOUS WINTER SKIN - By skin specialist Sue Machesney, from Bellaza beauty salon Ranelagh.

Skincare expert Sue Machesney

Winter challenges even the toughest of skins. Outdoors, chill factors sting vulnerable faces, causing chapping and sore patches. Indoors, central heating parches the air and sucks moisture from your skin. The constant contrast of freezing winds and warm rooms leaves skin confused and irritated, with little time to adjust its internal temperature. Pollutants such as traffic fumes and smoky, stuffy atmospheres aggravate, while stress or illness can tip a delicate skin balance into the dry and sensitive zone. So how can we achieve a perfect complexion when we’re battling against so many seasonal drawbacks? Sue Machesney, expert in skin care reveals the secrets

“The winter months mean that skin is exposed to cold weather and central heating."This coupled with extra long and hot baths and showers, and low humidity in the air often makes for dry and itchy skin. The right skincare routine, products and internal health are essential for balanced, supple and moisturised winter skin. Whilst engaging in gentle exercise, drinking plenty of water and cleansing and moisturising every day is important, we like to provide our clients with a few extra, more in-depth treatments to ensure that their skin is prepared for the winter.”

1.      Vitamins and minerals you need more of

“Your skin is the facade of what is going on inside the body and problems manifest in the form of skin complaints such as acne, wrinkles and dry skin. For skin to look more youthful and radiant and to be on top form, you need to ensure that you are getting enough vitamin C, A and E.

“Eating citrus fruits will boost your vitamin C levels and restore the structure of the skin by boosting collagen production. It will also help to undo any damage caused by overexposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays. Vitamin A plays a large role in the maintenance and repair of skin tissue and can be topped up by eating more fruit and vegetables or by using topical treatments called retinols. Vitamin E smoothes out dry skin and replenishes the moisture and is available as a topical cream. Go to the salon for a hydrating facial mask once as it will give your skin a boost of what the cold weather and central heating strip away.

2.      Dead cells are the culprits of many skin crimes
“Our skin renews itself every 28 days, shedding its old dead skin cells to make way for a fresher new layer. To make the most of this natural process it is important to practice a good skin care routine. “If you suffer from acne, or have dull or oily skin you can blame your dead skin cells. Responsible for a multitude of sins, if they’re not removed effectively from the surface of the skin they can just sit there, blocking the pores, ready to wreak chaos the next time you have a big night out planned.

“Taking the time to run a gentle exfoliating glove across the face and body once to twice a week will ensure that those pesky dead cells are kept at bay. Investing in a quality daily exfoliating face wash will also have the desired effect .Salon treatments such as Microdermabrasion are also incredibly effective in helping to renew and restore tired looking skin.

3.      Call in the professionals
“Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to maintain our skin, it’s often not enough and we simply resort to ‘putting up’ with skin complaints when there really is no need. It’s times like this when it is wise to call in the professionals.

 “Having spent years studying and treating people’s skin, professional medi-spa skin clinics can give you the expert advice needed to achieve beautiful skin whatever the season. Alternative skin treatments have come on leaps and bounds in the last decade, with microdermabrasion, IPL and skin peels being clear front-runners in the industry.”

4.      Heating versus freezing, both play havoc on the skin
Constantly moving from one extreme to another can send our skin into overdrive and as people turn up the heating to full power in their homes, walking in from the freezing outdoors can be somewhat of a shock to the system. As we have no control over Mother Nature as to how cold it will be outside, to prevent outbreaks and chapped skin try to increase the central heating inside gradually to give the skin time to adapt to the change of environment.
“Nourishing Oils are great for moisture loss and so brilliant for winter time when our skin cannot draw water from the humidity in the air. Good facial oils are nourishing, hydrating and rejuvenating and will penetrate into the lower layers of skin which is exactly what our skins need in those winter months. Massage a good facial oil into your skin every night and you can't go wrong.”

5.      Refresh your outlook on this season
“Finally a tip that is not widely advocated: start to love winter! Everyone tends to have negative thoughts about winter, which only leads to more negativity in other areas of your life. Try to seek out the positives about winter – snowfall, cosy nights, festive events and nature. Buy a good brolly to avoid the rain, wrap up warm and go out and have fun! A positive attitude will encourage you to be more active, maintain a healthy lifestyle and will see you – and your skin – ready for anything.”

Bellaza offers a free expert skin analysis to anyone with problem skin or those looking for a specialist skincare regime.

27 Ranelagh Road, Dublin 6
To make an appointment call:
01 - 496 34 84


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