Tuesday, June 28, 2011


SHAMED fashion designer John Galliano has told a Paris court that he cannot remember making alleged anti-Semitic, racist slurs in a bar earlier this year because of his problems with alcohol and drugs.The former Dior designer could face up to six months in prison and a fine of as much as 21,000 pounds if the court finds him guilty.
When the judge asked Galliano about the incident on 24 February when a French couple at a Paris bar claimed he repeatedly insulted them with lines including 'dirty Jewish face', 'fucking ugly Jewish bitch' and 'fucking Asian bastard', the designer said that he can't remember the events or the comments.
The outlandish designer  also told judges that he had been 'pushed to the edge' by money worries and emotional problems.'I have no recollection,' the Guardian quoted him as saying.Asked why he couldn't remember, he said had a three-fold addiction to alcohol, sleeping tablets and valium.He said there were many reasons for his addiction, including the success of Dior. He started drinking 'in a cyclical way' in 2007.

'After every creative high I would crash and the drink would help me to escape. At this point I had managed to turn creativity into a billion dollar business at Dior. Then the financial crash happened,' he told the newspaper.
Galliano, who was immediately dropped from the top job as creative director of French fashion house Dior, could face charges of making 'public insults' based on origin, religion, race or ethnicity.


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