Saturday, November 13, 2010

Farmer's Market

{Jeans: Rich and Skinny; Shirt: Forever21; Sandals: Steve Madden}
Lazy Saturday morning that carried over to the early afternoon. Went down to Santa Monica and wandered 3rd St. Promenade only to discover an AMAZING sale at Urban Outfitters...yeah, I bought some goodies! Despite being packed with tourists, I love 3rd St. I think I could people watch and listen to the street performers all day- never gets old for me. We checked out the farmer's market but, unfortunately, didn't have any cash to buy the yummy produce they had on time! I literally rolled out of bed this monring and threw my trusty Rich and Skinny Jeans on, with a simple button up from Forever and an old pair of sandals- it was one of those mornings. Can't wait to dress up for an art gallery event tonight! Happy Saturday dolls!


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